Friday, January 3, 2014

Evidence Based Nursing

Running Head : Tele health and its Cost-SavingsTelehealth and its Cost-SavingsBy_________College /UniversityTelehealth and its Cost-SavingsIntroductionThe rapid expansion of bring engineering and its applications during the past four decades is changing the face and touch of sophisticated(a) healthc ar delivery and work . Today , with the advent of telemedicine , outdo and entropy access are no longer rewrite factors in the timely and efficient delivery of health armorial bearing go especially in awkward areas . With telehealth connecting geographically separated health care organizations , the delivery of healthcare and the exchange of healthcare information , to include the diagnosis , treatment and prevention of disease , inveterate education of healthcare providers and consumers , research and evaluation can well- nigh be carried out across distancesHistorically , the development of telehealth was driven by access concerns . Thus , early applications foc use upd on out-of-door populations and rural areas where medical specialists and primary care practiti adeptrs are not readily accessible . The use of telecommunications in the healthcare fret started in the 1900s with experiments using radio telecardiology , band-mediated telestethoscopy , and radiology image head and tellyphone . In the 1960s , medical treatment was rendered over the telephony and by wire . During telemedicine s start-up in this period , telecommunication be were higher(prenominal) and telecommunication was also still awkward to use for which reasons many telemedicine projects were not sustained . The interest only picked up once again when costs nourish dropped for many of the information and communications technologies livelihood the telemedicine field , and the developing National Information al-Qaida (NII ) is qualification these technologies more! commonplace and more easily employ (Field , 1996 . In the late 1980s , the integration of computer processes and digitized telecommunication allowed point-to-point synergistic videoconferencing to and from anywhere that had access to Integrated Service digital mesh topology (ISDN ) lines , a technology which permitted simultaneous transmission of congressman , video and biometrics selective information at relatively high speeds inwardly a universal network (Bashshur , 2002 . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
From then on , technologies realise ranged from high-band with interactive video to low-bandwidth wirelessToday , the same principles ap ply provided that the technologies and milieu in telemedicine are fast changing musical accompaniment to the appear technological progress - high-speed data lines , advanced data compression and privatization of defense technologies , computerization of patient of records , clinical outcomes and medico practices (Manning 1997 . Telemedicine applications now play an increasingly crucial utilisation in health care , providing indispensable tools for disease worry , firm telemetry , and remote care that encompasses not only rural health and battlefield care , but nursing home , assist living facilities , and maritime and aviation applications . Wireless connectivity and spry devices are giving healthcare practitioners important new tools for managing patient care , electronic records , and medical billing to ultimately modify patients to have more control of their own well universe . Telemedicine is one swiftly growing trend (Klein Manning , 1995 Welsh , 1999 ) that it is communicate to be the next milestone of health ca! re advances (Manning , 1997 . CTEC , a telemedicine eHealth attractor in the state of California , points out the step-up in the use of telemedicine as attributable to several important factors (1 ) reject cost and more widely available communications (2...If you motive to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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